Gandhi Goes to Church
Gandhi had heard so much about Christianity as a college student and wanted to learn about it, so he slipped into the back of a church. An usher came to him and very courteously informed him, "I'm sorry but we don't allow black people here."
Years later in a speech, Gandhi said that usher was only doing his job and he thought he was ushering a colored man out of church, but actually he was ushering India out of the British Empire.
If that usher had been sensitive to the Spirit that day, he would have sensed an inner hesitancy, a check in his spirit. But we too often are like that usher and do what we normally do, we follow the patterns that we've always followed, and the Holy Spirit is grieved.
When led by any idea or person other than the Holy Spirit, there are often immense consequences.
The Holy Spirit wants to direct our steps, to help us choose our words. There may be someone in your home or your office for whom your word of encouragement might make an eternal difference. And there may be someone in your home or office for whom a harsh word might be the last straw.
Thank You, Lord, that when I abide in You, You give me my words, attitudes, and ideas, so that You receive glory.
"I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel" (Psalm 73:23-24).