Joy to the Whole World
Our Chinese friend Lee asked us, "Why do non-Christians in Taiwan celebrate Christmas?"
God promised that His good news of great joy would be to all people--not just those who worship Him. It is as though God is so eager for all of His created beings to have joy that He slips joy in every way He can.
During the Christmas season we hear the most joyful music of the entire year.
People around the world celebrate the Light of the world by decorating with Christmas lights.
Citizens of many countries commemorate the greatest Gift that has ever been given by exchanging gifts.
God is joyful and He loves to share His joy--even with those who forget that it is His Son's birthday.
Joy to the whole world, the Lord has come!
Dear Father, thank You for lavishing Your joy on all people. Help me to reflect Your joy to all those around me.
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people" (Luke 2:10).