The Effectiveness of Earnest Prayer
When Doris Liew from Singapore attended the Come to the Fire conference, God increased her concern for her unsaved parents. She later emailed what happened after she moved back to Singapore.
Doris discovered her brother was very ill, so she took him to the emergency room where he was diagnosed with fourth stage stomach cancer. Knowing he was about to die, he requested a Christian funeral. Doris asked him why since he and his mother were both staunch taoist. She feared others would think she was manipulating the process.
During his stay in the hospital, she kept praying and sharing Christ with him with no results.
One morning Doris cried out to the Lord for an hour praying and pleading the Lord for him. "Lord of Harvest, where are You? Can You see my brother in this condition?"
She didn't care if she even lost her brother through cancer- his soul must be saved. Not only that, but through this incident, others would have a chance to hear the Gospel.
That night when Doris's husband brought a Mandarin speaking pastor to share the Gospel with him, her brother prayed the sinner's prayer. He messaged her that he had good news for her. Doris asked, "God, is it true that my brother is a believer now?" She heard the Lord say "You prayed, cried, pleaded-then believe!'
I said, "Yes, God I believe!"
Doris's brother asked to be baptized his last night. Suddenly, he gave a very bright smile and then went to be with Jesus.
At his funeral, many relatives, friends and even temple friends came and asked why it was a christian funeral. Later her mother, a nephew and his fiancé came to know the Lord and have been baptized.
Thank You, Father, for every time you give a burden to plead earnestly for someone's salvation.
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (James 5:16).