Open to God

The early church fathers wanted to understand the Trinity. How could Jesus have been both God and man? How could He be fully human and fully God? Was He more than a man but not quite God? They came up with a word to explain the Father and Son's relationship as being one and yet they each retained their own identity. 

They used the word perichoresis to describe the relationship of the three members of the Trinity. They also used it to describe the relationship between the human nature and divine nature in Jesus. 

It seems that the main characteristic of perichoresis is openness. Jesus enjoyed this perichoretic life by being always open to the Father. The result? Jesus was given the Spirit without limit.

Jesus used the analogy of the vine and branches. The branches are to be continually open to receive their life from the vine. For us to remain in Christ is for us to receive His life as continuously as a branch draws sap from the vine. Just as Christ continually draws life from the Father, so we can continually draw life from Christ. As long as the branches stay connected to the vine, the sap constantly flows into these branches. Andrew Murray taught that the sap represents the Holy Spirit. 

When we are filled with the Spirit, we become part of this perichoretic life. It is as we continue to draw life from Him that we live. As we go through our day, we look to Christ trusting Him and being open to receive His thoughts and His attitudes.

Dear Father, help us to be continually open to the flow of Your Spirit within us.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

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