Don't Buy That Book
Our psychiatrist friend shared that for a while he went through a period of deep depression. One day he prayed, "God, You are all I've got. Show me You love me."
Soon after his prayer, his wife and son went out of town. He went to a bookstore to get a book on world-class soccer. As he walked through the store, he noticed a lot of pornography.
The thought came to him, This is the best chance I'll have. It's a weekday and no one else is in here. He began glancing through Playboy and Penthouse and picked them up to buy. When he did, he heard, "You can't do this." Surprised, he put them down.
Then he reconsidered. "I really wanted those magazines," he admitted. He again picked them up and again heard clearly and so forcibly it was almost frightening, "You cannot do this."
Reluctantly, he put them down, paid for his book, and left the bookstore.
He had walked only a few feet outside when someone called to him. It was a patient he had been treating for pornography. Our friend greeted him and the patient asked what he had bought. With unspeakable relief, he showed him the book on world-class soccer! At that moment, he knew God, in His love, had delivered him from a potentially embarrassing and harmful situation!
Dear Jesus, thank You for the creative and practical ways You express Your love.
"As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him" (Psalm 103:13).