When in Doubt--Love
One Sunday I was asked to teach a primary Sunday School class. Knowing my lack of skills in this area, I prayed that the Lord would simply help me to show the children His love. We went through the songs and stories while I focused on communicating love.
Class was dismissed, we went to the worship service, and I wondered if my focus had made any difference. To my amazement, immediately after the worship service about half the class came to where I was sitting and looked up to me as if to say, "Love me some more, teacher."
As we trust Christ to relive His own life in us, He will teach us, step by step, moment by moment, to express His care for others. The Holy Spirit pours out His love into our hearts causing us to be Christ to others as we respond to Him. Doing what love would do, welcomes the Holy Spirit.
We are more eager to express God's love to others when we are aware of His love to us. Jude 21 does not say, "Keep loving God," but, "Keep yourself in God's love." This means we are to keep a constant consciousness and recognition of God's love to us.
You may find it helpful to write several sentences in a notebook that you think God would reply if you asked, "God, do You love me?"
Thank You, Jesus, that you do not leave me to draw upon my own supply of love which is little better than a cistern-exhaustible and leaky at best. Out of Your great love for me and for those around me, You supply the love.
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love" (John 15:9, 10).