God Wants Us Near Him
The price we will pay for something tells how much we value it. A major television network announced with great celebration that they had purchased the rights to air next year's football games for $500,000,000. I was struck by the announcer's obvious joy when speaking of this purchase that would bring new programming and up to 50 percent of the homes in Kansas City watching their channel. He wasn't saying he was happy the network got a bargain but that he was happy the network could pay what it took to gain what they wanted.
God knew the price He must pay to secure our fellowship, but His heart so longed for us to be able to draw near Him at any time that, amazingly, He willingly paid the price. Surely that must be the meaning of Isaiah 53:10: "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him" (KJV). These words make sense only when we understand that they express God's intense desire to have our fellowship. Our nearness is so precious to Him that He willingly paid the ultimate price for it by allowing His own Son to die.
God is holy, so His justice demands that whoever breaks His law cannot remain in His presence. But God is also loving, so He gave His Son to die in our place.
We honor the blood and His love by confidently going to Him in prayer with great boldness. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most" (Heb. 4:16). "Boldness" is not necessarily a conscious feeling of confidence but the objective assurance that our access is a God-given right.
Thank You, Lord, for making a way for me to come to You knowing You welcome my fellowship.
"We have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus" (Heb. 10:19).