No Time for Devotions?
One of Ruth Graham's daughters told her mother she had no time for devotions because of caring for her children. Her mother wisely counseled her to use those moments when rocking a baby, changing a diaper, or washing dishes to worship the Lord. God can be a part of our routine in any season of life when our hearts hunger for Him.
A mother of seven children said she cried, "When shall I pray?"
"Try nap time," the Spirit instructed.
In the afternoon, with all the children down for a rest, she slept off her exhaustion with a 15-minute nap. Then, Bible in hand, she enjoyed a quiet time.
William Law (1686-1761) was a contemplative, mystical recluse. He said that we may change the timing and hours of "our devotions to the conditions of our lives and the state of our hearts." If this mystical recluse allows us to have variations in our devotional lives, surely God intends for us to allow different habits in different seasons of our lives.
Although we can never be legalistic in the area of spiritual disciplines, we must resist with all our strength the temptation to skip our time with Jesus-even in our most busy days and years. We may have to learn to say a polite "no" to extra unnecessary work, TV programs, Facebook and even visiting. Our "no" to these can make possible a "yes" to something of greater value.
Thank You, Jesus, that Your plans are so amazingly practical and exactly what is best for me.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
"Pray in the Spirit on all occasions" (Ephesians 6:18).