Why Should I Continue to Pray?

"What keeps you praying when it looks as if God isn't hearing you?" I asked a friend.

"I guess it's knowing that someday I will be able to look back and say, 'God, You answered that perfectly.' It may not be until I'm in heaven, but I'm certain God answers my prayer no matter how it looks at the moment."

We show our faith in God by praying even if we have no reason other than faith to believe that our prayers are effective. One of the key indicators of the strength of our faith is whether we continue to wait before God when the answer is slow in coming.

Sometimes we may feel that we're getting the same answer the mother in Matthew 15 received who came begging Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Scripture records the incredible statement, "Jesus did not answer a word." She had begged, but Jesus remained silent.

When He did speak, His words were not encouraging. "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Still, she continued to call to Jesus.

Only two times did Jesus speak of someone's great faith, and this lady was one of the honored two. This account in scripture encourages us to be persistent when we pray and it seems that conditions grow worse rather than better.

If we continue praying, though, we may also eventually hear the words this mother heard. "You have great faith! Your request is granted!" (Matthew 15:28).

To "pray without ceasing" doesn't mean to pray without intermission but simply to not give up on our prayers.

Dear Jesus, thank You for noticing when I continue to pray even when I find no sign that You are answering.

"Do not throw away your confidence: it will be richly rewarded" (Hebrews 10:35).


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