Would God Keep That Promise?
Faith's family went through a traumatic experience that left them crushed and broken. During their time of suffering and heartache, God gave Faith some promises that sustained her throughout the following weeks and months.
During that time it was as though she heard the words, "Trust Me in the dark. Just trust Me. I'm aware of what's going on. I am in control."
Faith said, "Yes, Lord, I will trust You even though I don't understand what has happened."
Months passed and she didn't see the promises fulfilled. She began to get desperate. She said, "Lord, I really want to see You work; I really want to see You move in this situation."
It was difficult for her to have an extended time to pray during the day, so she said, "Lord, if You'll awaken me, I'll get up and pray."
Normally when she went to bed, she was out for the night, but the first night she woke up abruptly. She thought, "What woke me up?"
Then it came to her, "Didn't you ask God to awaken you?"
Faith said, "Thank You, Lord," and got up and went into the living room where she prayed. There was no phone to answer, no schedule to meet, no one to take here or there. She just waited on the Lord, unhurried and unrushed.
When she went to bed a couple hours later, she thought, "When that alarm goes off at 5:30, it's going to be a different story." She was tired when the alarm rang, but the verse came, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Since then, every time God has awakened her during the night and she's gotten up, she has felt no more tired than she normally does at the end of the day.
In God's time, He made a wall fall that had been built. Something totally impossible with man took place.
Thank You, God, that Your promises are true.
"Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave" (1 Kings 8:56).