Wonder Working Power!
One Sunday when our grandson Peter was a toddler, we spent a weekend with our daughter and husband. When we walked into the nursery after church to retrieve Peter, Peter looked at his mother, then at me, then his grandpa. He headed right into Grandpa's arms. Grandpa loved it. He made sure we all noticed that Peter had checked out his options and then chose him.
I think God must notice, too, when we get up in the morning and, in our minds, consider our options. There are always plenty of things we can begin our days with, but God must smile when we head straight to be with Him.
God notices our efforts to draw near to Him even when we feel they might have been a waste of time or simply a routine. He sees them and interprets them as desire. One night, I stayed up to pray but soon went to sleep on my knees. I awoke and thought of going to bed but decided, "No, I'll try to pray again." Again, I went to sleep.
The next morning the Lord was near as I prayed. He seemed to say, "I saw your effort to pray and am rewarding you for it."
God, who reads the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts, welcomes all our efforts to draw near Him.
Thank You, Jesus, for noticing the tiny things I do to show You my desire is for You.
"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love" (Psalm 145:8).
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (Psalm 5:3).