God Is Generous

"When we came back from the mission field, I fully intended to get a job," a friend said. "But one Sunday morning, the Lord said, 'You pray for Russia and I'll supply your needs.'"

So instead of looking for work, she began spending her time praying for Russia. "I especially try to pray for those who might not have anyone else to pray for them, such as those who are receiving truth for the first time."

God did much more than provide her with help in prayer. She had thought she needed to work to buy furniture, but free furniture began arriving. Various people brought in matching pieces for their living room. A discarded table that she and her husband refinished was just right for them. "One of the ways the Lord supplied my needs was to make me content with what we have," she said.

God was giving her beyond what she had even thought to ask. He does that for those who seek Him first. Often our intercessions count for more than we anticipate. Our obedience has ramifications beyond our expectations.

Thank You, Jesus, that You know what I need to do better than I do.

"He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern" (Matthew 6:33 NLT).


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