She Knew God Heard

One mother said Satan had hindered her from praying earnestly for her son by saying he was a free moral agent, and therefore, her prayers couldn't be answered. She told the devil she was aware that her son could choose, but she also knew God could send hornets or whatever it took to cause men to change their minds as He did for His children in Exodus 23:28.

After fasting and praying for her son, this mother received an assurance that God had heard her prayers and he was going to be saved.  She was so certain that she marked the date of her answered prayer on the calendar. Each time the phone rang she expected to hear her son's voice giving her good news.

Days and years passed with no apparent answer. She knew, though, that even if he didn't get word to her, that somewhere between his last communication and his death, he would have made peace with God.

Then one September, the telephone call came. "Mother, I want Dad and you both on the phone; I have something to tell you. I have given my heart to the Lord."

God answers parents' prayers. Burdened groans and tears are too precious to Jesus to waste. Some day, at just the right time, the answers will be poured out.

Thank You, Jesus, for being faithful to Your promises.

"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind" (1 Sam. 15:29).


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A Surprising Answer to a Mother's Prayers


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