Come to the Fire Conference Newsletter

The music team thanks you for praying as they wrote music earlier this week. Below are notes from three of the team sharing how God answered your prayers.

Thank you for the prayers! The last couple days have been a whirlwind... gusts of wind of the Spirit that have taken us quickly through portions and then slower moments where we labored over an idea or lyric. In all of those moments we felt the Holy Spirit at work. There was much (MUCH) in each of our lives that could have easily taken our focus off of writing, but God helped us to pray through those important issues and to press on toward the goal. No one was free from opposition, but we were able to call it out and combat in prayer before it took hold. There was an ebb and flow to the pace. There was laughter and occasional tears.

There was even cooking and writing happening simultaneously! Multi-tasking at its best! We have to believe that we accomplished what was needed though we did not do what we thought we were setting out to do on schedule. BUT, this is how it seems to work. We have to be flexible and we have to listen intently to the Spirit's leading. All of the ladies present for writing and even the other people (adults and children) present in the house were so cooperative to allow God to do His Holy work.

I am blessed by this writing time. I'm blessed by the hospitality of Jo Apple and Beth Fox (and Annette's potato soup). Unexpected tunes, melodies, pairing of words and emotion and such a worshipful time together. I feel we are strengthening as a writing team as all of the songs were co-written together collectively. Also strengthening in the way we speak our ideas and musical thoughts and allow the Lord to meld them. It's the fruit of being together in this capacity for so long. I'm tired, but it's the good tired you get after working muscles and knowing that you have produced something strong and something worthy. I'm already praying for all those who will be listening for God in the songs we wrote - that they will find Him and know His love and joy more fully.

Renita Koehn wrote:
I certainly agree with Dorinda! It was a wonderful and full time. God moves among us so sweetly as we are together in this task. The team worked together as a group on pretty much all the songs and God accomplished a great deal while we were together especially toward the Scripture-Based Prayer CD. Thank you to everyone for the prayers. God is answering. I really had a sense as we worked on the songs for the Scripture-Based Prayer book, that it was in God's heart to bless the world through this project, and I believe He will. As we recorded, we traveled a powerful journey through the Scriptures. It was a holy time.

Please continue to pray as it seems perhaps God is not finished with the songwriting work for this year. As one by one had to leave to go home, those that remained kept writing, recording, and working. We even finished writing one song with Dorinda on the phone as she picked up her kiddos! We felt there was much work to do, and even though MUCH was accomplished, I think we left feeling that there is more He wants to do. Please pray that if God wills, we will be able to find a way and a time soon to finish the work even though we've all had to return home. These are exciting days and God is blessing! Praise to Him!

Beth Fox wrote:
The last four days have been rich with God's presence as a handful of our Come to the Fire songwriters and worshippers gathered at our house to write and record a special project!!Every lady reading this post needs to pray about coming to Nashville, TN, for the Come to the Fire Conference on November 10-12, 2016. I have NEVER experienced anything like it!! It is holy. It is life changing! It is free!

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