He Answered My Prayer!

I recently found a journal with prayers I had written sixteen years ago. Page after page included not just prayers but also scriptures and assurances that God had heard. Now as I read those requests, I'm amazed at how faithfully God answered.

For instance, on one page I wrote about a car purchase we had made. "Dear Lord, did we step out of your favor last night?  I trusted You to guide us to the right car. We prayed twice while considering it. I asked for the mind of Christ and felt that it was a right purchase because in the long run it may save us money. But were we led astray by our own desires?"

Then I wrote what I believed He was saying to me. "Be still and know that I am God. I'm in control. Your thoughts were my thoughts last night. Rest in me and lean not to your own understanding. Go in peace."

That used 1992 Lexus we bought in 1994 was probably the best car purchase we've made. It was such a great car I kept it for 17 years. Our mechanic's wife told me she wanted it when I was finished with it.

Some of the prayers in that journal have been answered in greater ways than I would have anticipated. Nor would I have even realized He was answering them if I had considered only what I saw the next day or even the next year.

Thank You, Father, for each time You give us a glimpse of Your unfathomable faithfulness.

"The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made" (Psalm 145:13).

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Grandma Crutcher's Advice


Three Stages of Prayer