Secret for Success
When Evelyn Christenson was selected to be the North American Chair for the A.D. 2000, she said she had no clue how to lead the program. She gathered sixty leaders, and announced, "I don't know if what we are doing is right and if it is, whether we are the ones to do it. We are going to get on our knees and pray. I don't want anyone to lead in prayer until God tells you what to pray."
The ladies were silent on their knees a long time. After twenty or thirty minutes, someone prayed, and then another. By the end of the meeting, they had not only a sense of direction but also a wonderful unity despite their various doctrinal backgrounds. She said their differences were like sand castles which, when a big wave comes along, are all washed away.
A keen sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is a result of much time in His presence. It is possible to begin a ministry with much prayer and dependence upon the Lord, but after things are going well, and the activities become almost routine, we begin to do it in our own strength. One lady admitted, "I was praying a lot at first, then when all my ducks were in a row, I quit praying as much."
Paul described his continual dependency when he wrote, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2).
Dear Jesus, help me to resolve to look to You when decisions must be made.
"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you" (2 Chronicles 20:12).