Who Is the Real One?
Some years ago, I had an experience which gave me a deep respect for spiritual realities. In closing my prayer times, I began telling the Lord I wanted my Spirit to commune with His Spirit. Often I experienced a profound sense of being strengthened in my spirit.
One day as I sat quietly before the Lord, He was suddenly there. As I saw Him with my spirit-my eyes were closed-I was overwhelmed with His reality. The chair by which I was kneeling and everything around me seemed unreal, like a shadow, compared to Him. At a very deep level, I knew God, who is Spirit, to be the real One.
The spiritual becomes more apparent to us as we seek to become spiritually sensitive. In The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, Lucy told her friends she was going to follow Aslan the lion. The others could not see him, but on Lucy's word, they began following what she said was Aslan. As they followed, Aslan became increasingly visible to them.
That's the way it is with us spiritually. Things of the Spirit become more real as we study His word and seek to follow His still, small voice.
"God is the absolutely real one; when he enters a person's life, it is we who are suddenly aware of our tentative and fragile existence," wrote William Dyrness. The temptation, though, is to regard the visible as more real than the spiritual or the invisible.
Dear Lord, help us not to live as though the things we can see, taste, feel, and touch represent the only reality.