Delivered From Depression

The Bible study leader said, "This week when you praise the Lord raise your hands in worship."

They had been studying the Hebrew words for praise in Scripture and learned that each of them tell something specific about how to worship. For instance, yadah, which is used more than 90 times, means "to worship with extended hands, to throw out the hands, to give thanks to God."

The following Monday she received a phone call from one of the ladies. "I did what you said. I praised the Lord with my hands raised, and the Lord healed me of my depression." For thirty years this lady had suffered from severe depression, at times not even able to work, but as she worshiped the Lord with her hands extended, she welcomed His presence and was healed.

I was studying what it means to be a habitation for God and made a wonderful discovery by reading the same verse in two versions:

"He is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation" (Exodus 15:2 KJV).
"He is my God, and I will praise him" (Exodus 15:2 NIV)

Which is correct? Both!

The word "habitation" in this verse has two meanings:
   To celebrate with praise
   To prepare a habitation

When we praise God, we welcome Him to dwell in our spirits. Try taking a five-minute praise (yadah) break and enjoy His presence.

Father, I celebrate You with praise. I praise You for Your love, faithfulness, wisdom....

"I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands" (Psalm 63:4).


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