Listen for the Voice

Helen Roseveare met a young friend who was a missionary on her first home assignment. The young friend poured out her dilemma to Helen. She was having a problem knowing with complete assurance whether God wanted her to go back to the mission field for a second term of service. She confided the apparent pros and cons on both sides of the problem and her heart cry to hear a word from God giving her clear, unmistakable guidance.

Helen asked, "When you first went to the mission field, did God give you a verse of scripture to stand on?"

"Yes, indeed, He did!" She shared how the Lord had guided her so clearly.

Helen turned to Isaiah 30:21: "Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way: walk in it!'

Then she added, "When will you hear a voice re-directing you into the right way? Only when you turn out of the way, turning the right or left. But if you remain in the way, He does not have to speak again. God has not rescinded the calling He gave you. He has not pointed you in a new direction so He does not need to give you another word!"

Immediately her friend was filled with joy and with a consciousness of the peace of God. She knew God would make it clear if she were to change course.

Thank You, Jesus, for giving us clear direction when You intend for us to make a major change in life.

"The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" (Psalm 32:8 NLT).

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