A Mother Hears From God

Hudson Taylor gave his heart to God at age fourteen, but later left his faith and even leaned toward skepticism.

One Saturday when his mother was away visiting, she felt such an intense yearning for her son's conversion that she went to her room, locked the door, and determined to stay there until her prayers were answered. On and on she prayed until the Holy Spirit assured her that her son had come to Jesus.

That same day Hudson Taylor was convicted by one sentence he read. He prayed and his burden completely left. A few days later his mother returned, and he ran to tell her his good news.

"I know!" she said. "I have been rejoicing in the good news you have to tell me."

He was amazed. Had his sister told her? "No," she replied. Then she told him that on the day he had prayed, she had received an unshakable conviction that her prayers were answered.

"It was perhaps natural," Hudson Taylor wrote years later, "that from the beginning of my Christian life, I believed that prayer was transacting business with God."

Taylor became the founder of China Inland Mission through which 13,000 people were converted during his lifetime.

Thank You, Lord, for the mothers whose prayers have given us great spiritual leaders.

"Do not throw away your confidence: it will be richly rewarded" (Hebrews 10:35).

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