Our Father Tells Us We Belong

When a couple in England signed up to be foster parents, they received training in how to treat the child. "Never make the child feel he belongs to you. The child belongs to the state, and the state may at any time remove the child."

When a boy was placed in their home, the couple sensed his need to know that he was accepted as part of their family and decided to disregard the advice they had received. One day the husband came home and found his wife distraught. The state had come for the child, and they were forbidden to seek him.

Nineteen years later they again connected with him and learned that some distant relative had come forward claiming they wanted the child. The young man told them, though, that he had always regarded them as his mom and dad.
Our Heavenly Father knows our need to belong and wants us to know that we belong to Him and assures us "you belong to Christ" (Mark 9:41).

 We are thankful for God's justice, holiness, and omnipotence, but when we are heartbroken or have sinned, we do not run to His infinite justice, holiness, or power for comfort. We long for the arms of a loving Father who accepts us no matter what we do.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:18). The word "Almighty" means omnipotent or the "absolute and universal sovereign." What benefits there are in having such a Father!

Thank You for being our loving, intimate Heavenly Father who has adopted us into Your family.

"Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba! Father!'" (Galatians 4:6).


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