God Used Janet on the Highway
One day my neighbor shared an encounter she and her husband had on their way to Colorado. Before leaving, they asked the Lord to use them on the highway. About three hours down the road they stopped for breakfast and again sincerely prayed, "Lord, use us on the highway."
Within three miles the traffic came to a stop. Janet looked ahead and saw that there had been an accident. "Lord, what do You want us to do?" she prayed. Immediately, she knew that He wanted her to go to the scene of the accident.
"Is there anyone in the car?" Janet asked the other travelers standing around.
"One lady and she's pinned in." Janet walked closer and could see the woman's hand. A truck driver who had stopped to help was trying to hold the passenger's head up as she was hanging upside down.
"Proverbs says the righteous are as bold as a lion, and that was one time I was. I went to the man and said, 'I'm a Christian. Would you mind if I pray for this woman?'" He didn't, so Janet looked at the ground preparing to get down so she could reach the lady's hand. The ground surrounding the lady was covered in oil, and to reach the injured lady's hand, Janet would have to lie in that oil. She didn't hesitate.
Janet said, "I lay down, took the woman's hand and saw she was in a terrible shape. Her ribs were broken, and there was broken glass all around her. I began to pray, and every time I said the name "Jesus," she squeezed my hand. After praying a while I sensed I should quit praying and comfort her. 'Jesus is going to take care of you,' I assured her. After about fifteen minutes the rescue squad came. I got up out of the oil, and I walked back to our car."
"Later I asked the Lord, 'Lord, did You really have me do that, or was I doing that in my flesh?'
"He said, 'That wasn't you lying in the oil; that was Me.'"
Thank You, Jesus, for placing Your ideas in our minds so You can live through us.
"Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 13:14).