Where Are Our Greatest Joys?

To discover the joy of the Lord is to discover that God alone satisfies. Nothing else is even a close second. The psalmist exclaimed, "All my fountains are in you!"

A friend told me that when she was on her way to minister in another country, these thoughts were going through her mind. What am I most eagerly anticipating? Is it the children I will be caring for in the orphanage? No, although I loved the children I knew that would not be my greatest joy. Is it the joy of seeing my dear friend? No, it was not that either.

As she was thinking on this, the Spirit whispered, "It's the joy of My presence that you are most excited to experience."

She knew it was true. With eager anticipation, she looked forward to enjoying the sweet fellowship of Jesus.

She was doing exactly what Paul meant when he said "Rejoice in the Lord"-not merely in what He gives or does-but in His own dear presence.

"Oh what blessed sweet communion, Jesus is a friend of mine."

Thank You, dear Jesus, for being Immanuel-God with me. Your presence is all I need.

"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God" (Isaiah 61:10).

"In thy presence is fullness of joy" (Psalm 16:11).


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