What Is Jesus' Great Desire?
A father told me that when his son went away to college, his absence left him with a deep sadness. One day in prayer he expressed his great longing to be with his son. God surprised him by saying, "There are some of My children I will never get to be with."
God's desire to be with us is the most striking aspect of the Christian religion. From the beginning, God desired to be near us. He came down and "was walking in the cool of the day" with Adam and Eve so He could enjoy their companionship.
God is seeking a love relationship with His people. No bridegroom wants a bride whose will he has to coerce--either to enter the relationship or to stay in it. He wants a continued love affair.
God desires that from us. He says, "I will always be faithful and show you My love. All I ask of you is your continued love and faithfulness."
To believe that God makes a covenant with us that we cannot break is to destroy the beauty of our love relationship with God. The constancy of our relationship with Him is like that of a husband and wife who are joined together by a covenant. For the relationship to continue, both must be faithful.
We need have no fear, though. God promises grace to help us be faithful. We do not have to rely upon ourselves but upon Christ within us.
Oswald Chambers said, "It is a joy to Jesus when a person takes time to walk more intimately with Him."
Dear Jesus, give us grace to make spending time in fellowship with You our priority.
"Come close to God and He will come close to you" (James 4:8 Amp.).