Megan's Heart Transplant
Megan Moss acquired myocarditis from a virus in 2002. In November of 2009, doctors discovered that her heart was beginning to give up, and by April 2010 she was at the top of the critical list for transplant.
Her mother Kathy emailed me what happened April 17 and gave permission to share with you.
"Megan was so, so sick that day, and her surgeon told my husband that morning that she was too sick to undergo surgery even if a heart was made available. Her body was shutting down. For the first time in this whole experience, I began to despair and wanted to give in to defeat. I left the hospital to run and clean up, and as I stood in the bathroom literally crying out to God, I was impressed upon to praise. To praise before I even had an answer. To praise when I felt despair. To praise when things were absolutely the darkest.
"So, I began to obey, and sang and shouted as I groomed. When I returned to the hospital, Meg was no better; if anything, she was going further down hill. But my despair was gone; somehow I felt that God was going to come through, that He was not finished with my daughter or her incredible story."
The wonderful news is that Megan's new heart did arrive that night, and the doctors successfully completed the heart transplant. (Read the complete story in Megan's Heart)
Kathy didn't praise to get an answer, but she praised out of obedience to His gentle prompting. Surely her praise made her the joy of heaven that day.
Thank You, Jesus, for every precious reminder to praise You and to give You the worship You always deserve.