God Has Good Plans
"The Lord promised me healing, but I'm disappointed in the healing," a lady shared. Although her improvement after an accident astonished the doctors, she had some residual effects. Rather than rejoicing in what God had done, she struggled with bitterness over what He had not done.
"God's healing is a gift, and God's gifts to us are perfect. He would be pleased for you to thank Him for the gift He has given to You." I told her of a prayer I had once read in which someone prayed, "I adore all of Your ways without knowing any of them."
What a place of rest. We can't see His ways and the ones we can see we don't understand, but because our hope is resting in a sovereign God who loves us perfectly, we love what we know by faith He is doing.
"I know that you can do all things" no plan of yours can be thwarted," Job stated despite his disappointment (Job 42:2). God has good plans for our lives and fulfills His purposes for all who trust in Him.
Dear Lord, when Your work is not what I anticipated, don't allow my disappointment to cloud my ability to trust You.
For the LORD God is our light and protector. He gives us grace and glory. No good thing will the LORD withhold from those who do what is right" (Psalm 84:11).