The Choice She Won't Regret

One of the ladies in our Bible study said that one evening her husband suggested, "How about inviting my parents to visit us this weekend? They need a few days away from home."

With her hands in soapsuds and her back to her husband, she groaned inwardly as she reviewed the weekend schedule. Their visit would not fit into her plans at all. But before she replied, a phrase from Isaiah came to mind: "Hide not thyself from thine own flesh" (58:7 KJV).

She had a choice. Would she ignore this command and convince herself it didn't apply to this situation? Or would she choose to be cleansed by the Word? She chose quickly before her good intentions could go down the drain with the soapsuds. 

"Sure, go ahead and invite them." She would trust God to arrange their weekend schedules.

With a cleansed attitude, she was free to enjoy that week. Memories of attending an organ concert, buying donuts at midnight, and talking together as they worked in the kitchen remained as pleasant reminders that when she humbly accepts His Word, she finds God's ways are best.

The psalmist wrote of the importance of speedy obedience. "I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments" (Psalm 119:60). Opportunity to obey is often like a horse that comes galloping by. It pauses, and we can get on, or it will gallop away and our opportunity to act upon our desire to improve goes with it. A glimpse of how we can follow God's Word more closely may be with us only long enough for us to decide if we'll obey it or disregard it.

When Jesus called the disciples, it seems as though He said, "Follow me," and walked on. They could follow or be left behind.

Father, please help me to remember that my response to the Word is my response to You.

"When you reject the Word of the Lord, it will be taken from you" (Amos 8:11).

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