It's Possible to Overcome Distractions

Adrian Rogers, on hisnational radio program, told that Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the largest church in the world, said he has to have his prayer time. One day Dr. Cho told his secretary, "I am going to prayer, and I don't want anyone to interrupt me-no one, unless it is the Lord Jesus."
That day the president of Korea came to see him. The secretary apologized that she could not disturb the minister.

Later, the president's wife told Rev. Cho, "You should fire that secretary. My husband is the president of Korea, and your secretary wouldn't let him speak to you."

"I was speaking with the president of the universe," replied Yonggi Cho.

Most of our hindrances to prayer are much less significant. One morning recently when I was ready to pray, I saw a candle that needed to be lit, a window blind that needed to be adjusted, some books that needed to be rearranged. The distractions were so trifling that I finally caught on. If I was going to pray, I had to concentrate only on praying!

Sometimes it may be pleasing to God for us to respond to God-sent interruptions, but we can trust Him to give us the discernment needed when our desire is to be faithful in prayer.

God forbid, to borrow David's words, that I give him prayers that cost me nothing.

Jesus, help me remember that I am in a battle that has eternal consequences.

"Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled" (1 Peter 1:13).

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