Come Close to God
When Steve was in college, he had only one hour each week he could spend with his girlfriend. He declares that nothing kept him from spending that hour with her. A big test the next day or a good friend stopping to talk were either forgotten or ignored. He wanted to be with his girl more than anything else. Our time with Jesus should be equally compelling.
What are the secrets of those who have wonderful fellowship with God? One is that they've learned to make time for God. Often work crowds our time for worship, but for them fellowship with God crowds their work.
Andrew Murray declares that the best and most glorious thing we have to do every day is meet and worship God. "It is a great step in advance in the life of a Christian when he truly sees this and yields himself to consider fellowship with God every day as the chief end of his life."
Worship is not time wasted. Half of our prayer time spent in worship and praise can so transform our petitioning that we can more easily believe that God is a rewarder of His promises.
Thank You, Jesus, for making our time with You so rewarding.
"Come close to God and He will come close to you" (James 4:8 Amp.).