Jesus Finds No Flaws

Someone had offended my friend, and for three days she could not get past her irritation. She said, "I didn't feel like talking to God or even hearing from Him. I was miserable feeling that way, but that is how it was. I was driving home from work when suddenly I looked at the license plate on the car in front of me. It said my name and then 4511. As soon as I got home, I looked up Psalm 45:11 and read, 'The king is enthralled by your beauty.' My heart melted before Him."

How like Jesus to send a message of love when she felt unworthy! When we think He is far away, He is only around the corner with arms wide open. Knowing He loves us changes us.

In Song of Songs, Jesus says to His beloved, "You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace" (4:9).

He is more than a Bridegroom to her. "Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!" (Matthew 12:50). He delights in every relationship He has with us.

The maiden's acceptance [in earlier verses] of His invitation to go with Him to seek and to rescue the perishing has ravished His heart. How incredible that we are able to delight His heart by simply saying "Yes" to Him. Our passionate Bridegroom cherishes us and sees us as beautiful each time we desire to do any small thing for Him.

Another translation says, "You have captured my heart" (NLT). One glance from our eyes does to Him what the armies and kings cannot do--we conquer Him fully. We steal His heart with just one loving thought, one heartfelt thank you, one loving act we do thinking, "This is just for You, Jesus!" Each look of devotion, every prayer, each whisper of love moves His heart.

Dear Jesus, how can I not love You with all my heart in return for Your love for me?

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Alice's Promise


Praying for His Name's Sake