Enjoy God's Amazing Love

The price we are willing to pay for something tells how much we value it. One of the major networks announced with great fanfare that they had purchased the rights to air next year's football games for $500,000,000. I noticed that the announcer appeared excited when speaking of this purchase that would bring new programming and the possibility of 50 percent of the homes in Kansas City watching their channel. He wasn't saying he was happy they got a bargain, but that they were happy they would have the great result of paying the high price.

God knew the price He must pay to secure the fellowship of sinful man, but His heart so longed for us to be able to draw near Him at any time that, amazingly, He willingly paid the price.

Surely that must be the meaning of Isaiah 53:10 which speaks of God's giving His Son: "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him" (KJV). What could these words mean? God freely gave up His Son for our redemption. God did not owe us anything, yet He saw and pitied us and "ran to our relief."

"It pleased God the Father to bruise His Son." These words make sense only when we understand that they express God's intense longing for our fellowship. It is so precious to Him that He willingly paid the ultimate price for it.
How could we ever doubt His tender mercies, His willingness to give us "all things"?

Dear Father, I cannot fathom the love You have shown by sending Your Son to die for me. Give me grace to live with the assurance of Your amazing love.

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32).

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Praying With the Heart of Jesus


God Hides His Cost