How Can I Be Sure God Will Answer?

I was talking with a young wife who told me that while praying she tried to believe God would handle her problem. Later, though, when the deadlines for bills approached, she had no peace.

"How can I keep from doubting?" she asked.
Our greatest hindrance to faith is often our willingness to live without being certain God has heard our prayer. I found the following in a file from several years ago.

"This morning in prayer, I asked the Lord for a very specific request. As I knelt, I opened my heart to the Lord for His scrutiny. 'Lord, I do want this for Your glory.' As David did in Psalm 5, I laid my request before the Lord and waited in expectation.

"As I waited, repeating the desire of my heart before Him, a phrase of a song went through my mind, 'I will not be denied.' This was not a morning to watch the clock.

"What Scripture could I rest my faith upon? I thought of Romans 8:32: 'He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?' I knew it was true. He who loved enough to give His Son would also grant my request.

"The instant I believed this promise, I knew in my heart through the witness of the Holy Spirit, that He indeed had heard. David wrote in Psalm 72:20 that his prayers were ended, and I, too, knew there was no need to ask again. I gave God thanks for granting my request."

I have no idea what my request was that day, but I am certain that prayer was answered. God always does what we trust Him to do.
Faith comes by hearing the Word when it is spoken to our spirits by the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit can give a clear witness that He has heard.

His Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts" (Romans 8:16 NLT).

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Would God Keep That Promise?


How to Defeat Doubt