What Makes Us Happy?

Donald Trump amassed a billion-dollar real estate empire in the 1980s. He lost it but regained his wealth in the 1990s and is in the Guinness Book of World Records for making the greatest comeback in financial history. In the December 3, 2001 issue of Forbes, he said, "I'm never satisfied. I don't know if I'm capable of being satisfied...I don't know what makes me happy," but then added "Pursuit makes me happy. Success makes me happy. Deals make me happy."

How different are we? What makes us happy? We can say we are a follower of Christ and still not find our joy in what made Jesus happy.

One night I overheard a man say, "Life is the pits. I don't have a life." The lady beside him agreed. "Yes, life is the pits."

I thought, That's true. They don't have Jesus. He is our life.
 A few days later I heard two Christians making a similar statement. I was wondering about this later. Lord, why is it that Christians would say such a thing?

These words came to me and I felt there was sorrow in them: "My people are looking for joy in the same places nonchristians look for joy."

An old song titled "Fellowship With Thee" says:    

    "Earthly things are paltry show,
    Phantom charms, they come and go:
    Give me constantly to know
    Fellowship with Thee."

The secret of the deepest joy is living only for Christ, letting Him be all to us. Only then are we truly "in Christ" and His joy is in us.

Dear Father, give me wisdom to recognize when I am substituting earthly pleasures for the joy of fellowship with You.

"The mirth of the wicked is brief; the joy of the godless lasts but a moment" (Job 20:5).

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