God, Show Me You Care

Nancy has a 25-year-old daughter who had three children out of wedlock with two different men who were abusive and addicted to drugs. She has since moved away from the most recent man and is living on her own rearing these children.

One day Nancy's heart was especially heavy for her daughter and three grandchildren. While driving home from the school where she had taken her grandchildren, she cried out to the Lord to protect them.

Just then a mother duck walked into traffic, leading her three little ducklings across the road. Nancy stopped to let them pass, and then an oncoming car swerved to miss hitting them. The next car was a policeman who pulled his car into both lanes of traffic and turned on his lights, waiting for the ducks to cross in safety. Once they got across the road, everyone returned to business as usual.

As Nancy was driving away she glimpsed the ducks in her rearview mirror, and the Lord seemed to say, "Nancy, look how I protected that mother duck and her three ducklings. Look at the people I put in place to assure their safety. Don't you think I could do far more for your daughter and her three children? Trust me in this!" Nancy was deeply touched by God's lesson. Jesus cared!

When the songwriter wrote, "Does Jesus care?" he was asking the question we most long to hear answered. He speaks in amazing ways to those who listen.

Thank You, Jesus, for caring.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge" (Psalm 18:2).

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