An Amazing Healing

Evelyn Christenson shivered in her hotel room in Australia one winter Sunday evening. Chills from a sore throat, plus sitting all that day in cold buildings, left her miserable. She bit an apple, but her throat hurt too much to swallow it. And starting early the next morning, she was scheduled to speak all day!

She knelt down by her bed to pray. She didn't ask God to prepare a replacement speaker or even to heal her. Rather she just stayed there, kneeling in prayer with feelings of gratitude spontaneously flowing to God for the privilege of once again being absolutely dependent upon Him. She arose from her knees and was surprised to find her throat completely healed.

We are a special joy to God when we give thanks on the basis of His love and faithfulness rather than on our perception of the present situation.

God is looking for worshipers not workers. He is wooing a bride, not hiring a servant.

Thank You, Father, that when faith takes the tangible form of praise, Satan always flees.

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hoofs" (Psalm 69:30, 31).

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