When I Fail
One morning I thought, If only I had responded to God's prompting. How can I expect Him to have mercy on me again? Isn't God tired of my asking His forgiveness?
Then in my Bible reading that day, I discovered Psalm 147:11: "The Lord delights in those who hope in His mercy."
What good news it was to learn that God took pleasure in me if I hoped in His mercy! It was as though He said, "I'm especially delighted when you are confident of my forgiveness rather than in despair because you've failed."
When we think He's irritated at us and going to hold us off at arm's length because we haven't taken time to be with Him or because we have been disobedient, He still eagerly desires for us to hope in His mercy.
The disciples failed to watch with Jesus for one hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. Rather than continually chide them, He turned their attention to what was ahead, saying, "Rise, let us go" (Matthew 26:46).
This appears to be the pattern of God's dealing with His people. Before we fail, He warns us. Afterward, though, He says, "Let's look ahead-not back!" He never delights in reminding us of past failures. Instead, He can reshape our mistakes so that they look as though they were part of His plan.
Jesus, I praise You for being my great Redeemer who can weave Your will into any situation in my life.
"The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer" (Psalm 6:9).