Step Into the Water
Before God parted the Jordan so the Israelites could walk across on dry land, the priests had to step into the water. That step was an act of faith. I wonder if it was difficult for them to take that first step. It is often only the first step that is difficult.
Stepping into the waters is choosing to do what we would do if the waters were already parted. The first step may seem to be done in our own strength. For instance, we may need to choose to be loving and gracious when our initial response would naturally be otherwise.
A friend called with some good news to her, but immediately a sense of disappointment arose within me because her good news meant a change of plans for me. I was so tempted to resent this intrusion into my plans, but Jesus helped me to deliberately choose to receive the news gladly. I was surprised at the joy that came. It suddenly seemed right. I saw the situation from a different perspective and found I could indeed rejoice with her.
We say, "Oh, Lord, please let me see the dry land first. Then I'll walk across."
But He says, "Step your foot into the waters. Show me your faith by doing what you know I want you to do. Choose to have the attitude you know would please Me. Do what would indicate you trust Me."
How faithful God is to us. But often before we see His deliverance, He wants us to show Him we trust Him.
Thank You, Jesus, for noticing each time my response is one of faith and not of fear.
"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised" (Hebrews 10:36).