The Way to Win a Daughter-in-Law
Sue discipled a good and kind-hearted woman for about two years. At lunch one day, the woman surprised Sue by blurting out her frustration with her daughter-in-law.
"Elaine is always a wet blanket on all our family gatherings. Her expression is sour and she just sits there while we all have fun together. She never offers to bring food or help in any way. The whole family agrees that she is a problem."
Sue asked, "Andrea, would you do me a favor? Would you follow what Jesus says you should do?"
Anxious to get rid of her frustration, she agreed.
Sue told her that Jesus asked us to pray for our enemies and those who despitefully use us, and asked her to begin pray blessings into Elaine's life. "Don't ask the Lord to change her; He will do all that is needed as you pray for Him to bless her."
A couple months passed before Sue asked how it was going with Elaine. Andrea exclaimed, "It's the most amazing thing! I began praying blessings into Elaine's life, just as you asked. About a month later, Elaine called me before a family gathering and asked, 'Can I bring the main course for dinner this week?' I was so surprised, but immediately told her that would be wonderful. And it was! I had no idea Elaine was such a good cook. The whole family loves her now. Just the other day, she helped me dig and plant a new garden bed in my yard. Best of all, Elaine is now going to church with my son."
How was Elaine's heart changed? Before Andrea began praying, Elaine surely must have had a sense that she was not accepted by the family. And as Andrea's changed, the Lord also drew Elaine near to Him. Andrea's prayers of blessings were answered, both in her own heart and in Elaine's.
Dear Lord, help me to pray blessings for people around me.
"But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).
"Elaine is always a wet blanket on all our family gatherings. Her expression is sour and she just sits there while we all have fun together. She never offers to bring food or help in any way. The whole family agrees that she is a problem."
Sue asked, "Andrea, would you do me a favor? Would you follow what Jesus says you should do?"
Anxious to get rid of her frustration, she agreed.
Sue told her that Jesus asked us to pray for our enemies and those who despitefully use us, and asked her to begin pray blessings into Elaine's life. "Don't ask the Lord to change her; He will do all that is needed as you pray for Him to bless her."
A couple months passed before Sue asked how it was going with Elaine. Andrea exclaimed, "It's the most amazing thing! I began praying blessings into Elaine's life, just as you asked. About a month later, Elaine called me before a family gathering and asked, 'Can I bring the main course for dinner this week?' I was so surprised, but immediately told her that would be wonderful. And it was! I had no idea Elaine was such a good cook. The whole family loves her now. Just the other day, she helped me dig and plant a new garden bed in my yard. Best of all, Elaine is now going to church with my son."
How was Elaine's heart changed? Before Andrea began praying, Elaine surely must have had a sense that she was not accepted by the family. And as Andrea's changed, the Lord also drew Elaine near to Him. Andrea's prayers of blessings were answered, both in her own heart and in Elaine's.
Dear Lord, help me to pray blessings for people around me.
"But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).
A. B. Simpson said...
I want the love that cannot help but love; Loving, like God...