Unhindering the Flow of the Spirit
Gwen Shaw had been a missionary in China for fourteen years, but there was a lack of God's anointing on her ministry. One day God sent a man to minister at her church.
Gwen said, "I saw God do more through His anointed servant in fourteen days than I had been able to do in fourteen years."
So she asked the visiting minister, "Brother, what is the secret of God's anointing in your life?"
He responded, "There are two things I have done that many of God's workers never have done. I have given myself to God one hundred percent, and I have fasted."
His answer gave Gwen a desire to fast. During her fast God spoke to her of the importance of giving herself fully to Him. The Lord said, "You think you know consecration, but that which you have consecrated is nothing in comparison to this complete yielding up of all. I want you to die--so you might live an abundant life."
She responded to God's call to die to self-interests and to give herself totally to God to obey His will. As a result, the presence of God came into her ministry like never before.
Thank You, Jesus, that when nothing in us hinders the Holy Spirit, He flows through us with power.
"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them" (Acts 13:2)