Mrs. Coyle Saved the Church
Dr. Thomas H. Hermiz tells of a moment during his junior high days that had a profound impact on his life. Rev. Carl Waggoner was home on furlough from Kenya, Africa and preached in his church one Sunday. Dr. Hermiz remembers standing near Rev. Waggoner as Mrs. Coyle stepped up to greet him. The Coyles were probably the wealthiest family in the church. Mr. Coyle was an executive with IBM and Mrs. Coyle owned the finest children's clothing store in the area.
When Mrs. Coyle greeted Carl she said that on a certain date she had such a burden for him that she closed her store in the middle of the day and sent everyone home. She then went into her office and spent several hours interceding for him and the ministry in Kenya. After several hours of prayer she felt the burden lift and was confident that whatever the crises was God had heard and answered prayer.
Rev. Waggoner flipped through the pages of his date book and came to the date when Mrs. Coyle had been burdened for him. It was a few moments before he could speak. As the tears rolled down across his cheeks, he said, "Oh, thank you for praying."
On that day he was presiding over the Africa Gospel Church annual conference and a small group of influential pastors were trying to pass legislation that would approve the church going back to its tribal custom of allowing more that one wife. The debate went on for hours and he felt they were about to lose the entire denomination. Then old Johanna, one of the most respected leaders in the church, stood and spoke to the issue with a great anointing. The tide turned and the Church was saved.
It was at this time that Mrs. Coyle was interceding for him not knowing anything about the crises.
"Dear Lord, help me not to miss hearing Your voice when You need an intercessor."
"I looked for a man among them who would...stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none" (Ezekiel 22:30).