Memorization Skills of Ann
Perhaps no one tried harder but was unable to memorize than Ann Preston, the simple lady who could read Scripture only after the Spirit taught her but could read nothing else. Because Ann was always pouring forth scripture verses, many who knew her were surprised to know that one of Ann's sorest trials was her lack of memory.
One day Ann tried for an hour to memorize a verse, but she found it impossible to remember it. The next day she went over and over the same verse again, but without success. Finally it seemed as though the voice spoke to her and asked, "Ann, what is the matter with you?"
Ann replied, "Well, I never saw the like of me. I spell and spell, but can't remember a word." And she began to cry.
Her Father said, "Did you ever see a mother send a child on an errand and observe that the child forgot it before it got half way to its destination? Well, you would be just the same. But I will give it to you just when I want you to have it, and then you won't have time to forget it."
Ann went beyond memorizing. She hungered for the Word, fed on it, and the Holy Spirit who always makes up for our lack of abilities, made sure she "lacked no good thing." Our Lord who made us knows our limitations, and He's pleased when He s
ees us hungry enough for His Word to attempt memorization because we want it to live in our hearts.
When Paul prayed for those under his spiritual charge, his one consistent request was that they would grow in knowledge. We'll look back at those periods in our lives when we were most sincere about memorizing and meditating on Scripture as the seasons we gained the most spiritual maturity.
Dear Jesus, increase our desire to hide your word in our hearts.
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11).
Memory Verse for November
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" (Proverbs 12:18)."
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
" (Proverbs 15:1).