Prayer That Is Better Than Counseling

Aletha HinthornDutch Sheets told in his book Intercessory Prayer of a period when he was spending hours a day counseling several who were in difficult situations. Three of them were extremely suicidal and at times would call him saying they were going to take their lives right then.

During this stressful time, the Lord spoke to his heart: "If you spent a fraction of the time releasing My Holy Spirit to go and hover around them bringing life as you do talking to them, you would see many times the results."

Sheets began spending a couple hours every day praying for these people. He immediately saw remarkable results. Almost overnight, victories occurred in their lives.

Sheets was praying sincerely because he deeply cared about those he counseled. Our best intercession for others is done when we can sincerely pray, "Lord, help me."

The Canaanite woman came to Jesus begging Him to heal her daughter who was suffering terribly from demon possession. She cried, "Lord, help me," as though she were asking for a personal need. (Matthew 15:25)

She had soothed her daughter as she suffered the torment of the demon, trying to protect her in her outbursts, speaking comfortingly, and wiping her brow lovingly. Her daughter's needs had become her own needs.

Love causes us to pray as though we are interceding for a personal need.

Help me, Jesus, to care deeply for others so I can pray for them as though I am praying for myself.

"The desire of the righteous shall be granted" (Proverbs 10:24).
"I will not sacrifice to the Lord that which cost me nothing" (2 Samuel 24:24).

Memory Verse for January  "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2). 

Prayer Request
Today is the final day of the Titus Council  meeting in Wilmore, Kentucky. Thank you for your prayers!

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