United Prayer Brings Results
The director of the Evangelism Explosion program made an important discovery. Even though the program was working well, he asked each church to enlist church members to pray for each worker, especially on the Tuesday nights when the program was in operation. The evangelist was responsible to report back to his intercessors weekly. They discovered that when intercessors prayed, the number of professions of faith doubled!
Several years ago a few of us met weekly to pray for our Sunday services. The pastor told the leader of our group, "When I go into pulpit on Sunday, I can tell if your group met to pray for the service."
Peter Wagner tells that when he was young he attended "horse pulls." One of the strongest horses could pull 7,000 pounds and another an amazing 9,000 pounds. But when the two horses were hitched together, they could pull 33,000 pounds.
Deuteronomy 32:30 speaks of one man chasing a thousand and two putting 10,000 to flight. Many light bulbs shining together make a bright light. But if they are concentrated into one light beam, they illuminate much greater distances. Think of your agreeing in prayer as focusing your light into a laser beam that God can use to reach those "inaccessible" situations.
We can be praying with others, though, and still pull only our individual loads of 7,000 or 8,000 pounds each if we are not praying with sincere desire for the same thing at the same time. God values unity so much, that He says, if you are united in desire-I will reward you! When we all desire the same thing, with one leading in prayer and the others either silently or aloud saying a heartfelt, "Yes, Lord," our prayers become synergistic.
"Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, " (Lev. 26:8).
Day 16 (of 40 Days of Prayer)
Pray for a spirit of conviction and of a willingness to receive what God gives through the speakers.
If you would be willing to pray for a list of attendees, please let us know and we will send you a list of names. Thank you for participating in this vital part of Come to the Fire.