My Heart Was At Rest

My Heart Was at Rest 

Aletha HinthornMy husband was to speak at a medical meeting in Florida, and on our way, we stopped in Atlanta to see our son. About 2 a.m. my husband and I both awakened, and he said, "I am chilling." 

I groaned "Oh, no," remembering that in the last few days he had had multiple exposures to the flu both from family and patients. As I lay there praying for him, I thought of the verse, "As thy days so shall thy strength be" (Deuteronomy 33:25). Even if I couldn't believe he would have perfect health, I could trust God to provide the strength his day demanded. I went to sleep.

The next morning Daniel was fine. He told me, "About an hour after we talked, I broke into a sweat. That's very unusual for me."

God promised His people a resting place, a place of repose where they would have rest from all their enemies--even the enemy of worry.

To quietly rest in the Lord is not to be complacent, but to actively trust Him resting in His promises. In turn, His rest prevents stress while providing peace, confidence, and joy.

There is a place of quiet rest
Near to the heart of God.
A place where all is joy and peace
Near to the heart of God.

"Now we who have believed, enter into His rest" (Hebrews 4:3). 


Day 12 (of 40 Days of Prayer)    

Please pray for the women in Grove City who are preparing for Come to the Fire. Pray that they will experience the joy of doing their work for Jesus. 


If you would be willing to pray for a list of attendees, please let us know and we will send you a list of names. Thank you for participating in this vital part of Come to the Fire.  


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