Insights from Brent's Bible Gulping Journey

Insights from Brent's Bible Gulping Journey 

Aletha HinthornLast January was the start of what Brent Hulett calls his "Bible Gulping Journey." He was in the middle of a three week fast when he was hit by some of the worst depression and oppression he had ever dealt with. He wrote in his blog, "I felt God tell me to begin reading the Psalms and not stop. I kept reading until I read all 150 chapters...twice. I realized that I was so hungry that I gulped God's Word as if my life depended on it."

After only two months, he finished reading the entire Bible. "The patterns came alive! Repeated words made sense!" he recalls. "I smelled the battles, heard the angels singing, and stood with the disciples at the cross. I began to see the big picture...just as God wanted me to!"

Brent shared some quick observations that he was reminded of on this Bible Gulping Journey:

God will do what He says He will do. No kidding.
Our God is serious about the covenants He makes.
Man's worst is nothing compared to God's best.
God's love is huge, and His Fatherly voice is so personal.
Don't mess with God.
Sin means death and a total separation from the One who loves unconditionally.
God is in complete control of our seemingly uncontrollable circumstances.
Jesus...He was born like us, died for us, raised in spite of us, and waits expectantly for us.
The end of this earth is completely planned by God Himself. He wins.
Heaven is real.

Brent says, "I am still thirsty... for the Word, that is. I can't wait to start reading again."

Dear Lord, would you take us on a Bible Gulping Journey?

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).


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