The Answer's On the Way

 I found some notes I had written when I was working on one of my books. I had hoped to have three chapters done by Christmas but only had one and a half completed. By the middle of January, I had progressed to chapter three. 

One night I reread what I had written in the previous five days and it just disintegrated before my eyes. All of it, except one small section, suddenly looked inconsequential and hardly worth stating.

But then I remembered that my work is not to produce results but to believe God. When the disciples asked Jesus what they must do to do God's work, He replied, "The work of God is this: to believe" (John 6:29).


I deliberately chose at that point to believe. "Lord, I know I've trusted you to help me write. I know You are helping me. It doesn't matter how it seems. Your purposes are higher than mine and even though I don't see results, I am believing you. I'm not discouraged because I'm doing all you ask me to do." And I was not discouraged because I was doing God's work by believing and that was all I needed to concern myself with. God would accomplish His work as long as I was faithful to do what I could.

I love the little chorus that says:
"I believe the answer's on the way.
I believe the Lord has heard me pray.
'Cast not away your confidence.'
Saith the Lord our God."


Thank You, Lord, that You teach us that our work is to trust You.

"God's work--which is by faith" (1 Timothy 1:4).  


Prayer Request for Come to the Fire

Please pray for the praise team as they meet this week (August 18-20) in Nashville to record another Come to the Fire CD. Those involved are Alearsi, Angel, Arla, Beth, Carol, Devon, Dorinda, Jo, Kim, Melinda, Patsy, and Renita. Others involved include Gregg, John, Joe and Steve.   


Also pray that the Holy Spirit continues to summon women to Come to the Fire. 


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