God Intends It for Good
Because God is good, He intends everything He allows to ultimately bring us His kindness. Joseph had been abused by his brothers, separated from his devoted father, falsely accused of immorality, and finally abandoned in prison. Then we hear Joseph say, "but God intended it for good" (Genesis 50:20).
Because God is good, this statement is always true. When we look back with eternal perspective, we will be able to see that in all of our difficult times "but God intended it for good" could be written over every detail God allowed in our lives.
Unanswered prayer may be God's way of leading us into a more fruitful life. A godly minister had an only child who was at the point of death. When the doctor informed these parents there was no hope their son would live, their hearts rebelled against God and in their anguish cried out that God was unkind.
Then the Holy Spirit reminded them that God is love and gave them grace to accept whatever God allowed. The father said, "We must not let God take our child. We must give him." So kneeling at the bedside, they humbly gave back to God the child He had loaned them for a short time.
The fragrance of Christ came into their lives in a fresh way. Every person in their congregation sensed a wonderful spirit in this fully surrendered couple. We, like Moses, may not know our faces (and our lives) are shining when we accept God's kindness in whatever form He allows, but others will know and be blessed.
Good when he gives, supremely good.
No less when he denies.
Afflictions from his sovereign hand
Are blessings in disguise. -Anonymous
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done" (Genesis 50:20).