But I'm Inadequate!
"The Lord recently showed me that He wants me to be a Bible study group leader at our church," emailed a friend. "I have hedged around this question for the last two years and hoped they would quit asking. I thoroughly enjoy Bible studies; I just didn't want to be in charge of a group. It was way out of my comfort zone and what I considered my God-given abilities. It was for outgoing, talkative ladies to do that work-not quiet introverts such as I am.
Well, the Lord worked on me for months and clearly directed that this is what He wants in my life. When the question came up again, I knew it would be an act of obedience for me to do it."
After the first night, she emailed, "We started our session tonight! What a lovely group of ladies I have to study with. I was concerned about speaking intelligibly, because I have never thought I expressed myself well verbally. I committed it to the Lord and trusted Him to work, in spite of me. He was faithful. The evening went very well. To God be the glory!
After I closed in prayer, one of the new ladies said she wished she were more like I am, because I summarized in two sentences, in prayer, what she felt she had bumbled saying. I immediately told her it was not me, but the Spirit who gave those words. It was so obvious to me that He had worked in my weakness. He worked a miracle, taking my inadequate talents and making them into something for Him."
She took a risk-that is what those God uses are willing to do. They love Him enough that they are willing to do what they would not naturally choose to do.
I praise You, Father, for choosing those to be leaders who are aware of their limitations.
"Moses said to the LORD, 'O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue...please send someone else'" (Exodus 4:10, 13).
Memory Verse for October
"This is what the LORD says--your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go" (Isaiah 48:17).