My Chance to See Bermuda
Several years ago I accompanied my husband to a medical meeting in Bermuda. The first morning he left the hotel for the conference, another wife suggested we visit the sights and shops of the island. Should I go with Janice? I'd probably never return to Bermuda, I reasoned.
But the opportunity to have a day alone with the Word was all too rare, and before we arrived I had anticipated spending those hours with the Lord.
On another day it might have been important to be with Janice, but I knew this was not one of those days. I reluctantly declined her invitation.
Alone in the room, I began reading John's gospel and writing down ideas. About mid-morning I came to a verse so appropriate to my day that I could hardly contain my joy. "He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him" (14:21).
Here was Jesus' promise to show Himself to me! While gathering insights from the Word, I had gathered glimpses of Jesus. What did I care about the sights and shops of Bermuda? I was seeing Jesus!
"To those who look for him shall he appear"--both when He returns and today.
Thank You, Jesus, that you reward strong desire with glimpses of You.
Wisdom said, "I love them that love me" (Proverbs 8:17).