Read Job 14:3

Nancy glanced at her husband as he welcomed people to church. "How I wish he wouldn't wear that old tie. And why did he get his hair cut so short?"

Just then their pastor called the ushers to the front. They all came but her husband. He was fumbling under a seat for the basket He'd set down while talking to a new family who had just entered the sanctuary. Hastily, he caught up with the others.

She watched him impatiently as she had so often lately, wishing he were different. Suddenly she sensed a strong impression: "Read Job 14:3."

She hesitated, and the thought was there again. She hurriedly flipped through her Bible and located the verse: "Must you be so harsh with frail men, and demand an accounting from then?" (TLB).

Tears filled her eyes. As her spouse slipped into the pew and hugged her hand, her heart cried out, "Father, forgive me. Thank You for helping me what I was doing."

Jesus, thank You for the correction and training you give through your Word.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).

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